Welcome To Bluehedgehog.net!
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- Written by: Ravenfreak
- Category: Site Info
- Hits: 3854
Welcome to Blue Hedgehog!
Hello and welcome to Blue Hedgehog, a brand new website dedicated to Sega's blue mascot Sonic the Hedgehog! Since making his debut on the Sega Mega Drive console, Sonic the Hedgehog has been a beloved video game character who just recently had two motion pictures that dominated the box office around the world! Blue Hedgehog is dedicated to the blue blur himself, here you'll find in depth reviews on the many different games, technical information regarding the Sega Master System titles, and so much more! So whether you're a die hard fan wanting to learn more about Sonic and his friends, or if you're just getting into the series due to the movie welcome to Blue Hedgehog!

The Murder Of Sonic The Hedgehog
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- Written by: Ravenfreak
- Category: News
- Hits: 3425
April Fools day was yesterday, and Sega hardly ever sleeps on this Holiday. For this year's April Fools day, Sonic Team created a brand new free to download Steam game titled "The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog." This is Sonic's first official visual novel title where you play as your own original character and figure out who killed our beloved blue hedgehog! This is the first time Sonic Team created a interactive Sonic the Hedgehog April Fools Day joke, in previous years they've made fake trailers for fake game announcements. It is currently standing at a perfect 10 out of 10 stars on Steam. Have you played this title yet? I have yet to actually give it a go, I'm not a fan of visual novel video games and I never download and play them. However, since this is a Sonic title I will be giving it a go when my new computer comes in later this week! Check out the Steam page in the link bellow and give it a go! Let us know how you liked the game!
Sonic Origins Plus Rating Pops Up In South Korea
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- Written by: Ravenfreak
- Category: News
- Hits: 3530
It appears that yesterday a new rating for a game titled "Sonic Origins Plus" appeared from South Korea. Sonic Origins was a compilation of the 16-bit Sonic titles that came out on the franchise's 31st anniversary last year. We're not sure what Plus will add to the game, but I really hope that the 8-bit Sonic titles will be added to the collection, along with Knuckles Chaotix. Knuckles Chaotix has not seen a re-release since 2007, and that was on the now defunct Game Tap streaming service so it's been lost to time. The title also goes for a hefty price, since it was initially only released on the ill fated Sega 32X add-on. Perhaps we will see Mighty, Ray, and even possibly Amy be added to these titles? Knuckles isn't officially a playable character in Sonic CD on this collection, so he may even be added to the roster in this updated version of the game. What are you hoping to see in Sonic Origins Plus? Let us know your thoughts below!
Original Sonic Movie Design Makes A Cameo In Disney's Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers Movie
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- Written by: Ravenfreak
- Category: News
- Hits: 4057
Remember back when the first Sonic movie was announced and we were greeted with that terrible render of Sonic? Many people still wonder if it was all a marketing scheme for Paramount to hype up the movie and that we were never really going to see that version of Sonic in any of the movies. (Or really any movie for that matter.) Well that's all changed, today Disney's newest movie, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers started streaming on Disney+ and Sonic fans got a surprise. The original Sonic movie designed now known as "Ugly Sonic" makes an appearance pretty early in the film. This time around he's even worse looking than he was in the first trailer of the Sonic movie. He's voiced by Tim Robinson, a comedian who's starred in Saturday Night Live. We live in a time where we now have four different Sonic designs, how strange. Ugly Sonic seems to be a washed up character who's seen better days as depicted bellow. What are your thoughts about this? I think it's funny!
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