- Details
- Written by: Ravenfreak
- Category: Technical Info
- Hits: 1656
I don't remember if I've shared this technical information on any website before. A few years ago I decided to start looking into what makes Sonic Drift tick, because I like hacking the obscure and often overlooked titles. (Of course those titles being the Game Gear and Master System ones!) I find it interesting that it's the only Sonic Game Gear title that uses battery back up as far as I'm aware. Yet it's sequel doesn't have a internal battery. I think its odd they omitted it from the sequel, but I guess they wanted to cut back on the cost of making the cartridge. Anyways in this article I'll be listing all my notes that I made. I haven't touched the game since, but with the Sonic Hacking Contest coming up soon and the drive to make more hacks of lesser hacked games I might get back into documenting more data. I might get around to doing so for Sonic Drift 2 as well, since out of the two more fans enjoy that title. (And I don't blame them, the game has more playable characters and tons more tracks than the first one!) So without further ado, let's get on to the technical stuff!
First let's go over probably one of the more "boring" bits of data. This game has a hidden error handler text located at offset $46350. Whenever the game crashes it will display this error text before returning to the Sega screen. The error handler routine is located at offset $462CF. It's a very basic error handler screen though, see bellow.
Next I'll list the object pointers. There aren't many objects in the game though, most of them are used in the level to give it more depth. Of course there are the power up objects too such as Amy's hearts or Eggman's spike balls. Also big apologies to the layout of this article, these notes were written with Mediawiki in mind. I'll eventually add these to Sonic Retro at some point, but for now I wanted them to be documented somewhere.
|Palm Tree Left
|Palm Tree Right
|Stone Pillar Left
|Stone Pillar Right
|Spring Yard Block Left
|Spring Yard Block Right
|Labyrinth Block Left
|Labyrinth Block Right
|Lamppost Left
|Lamppost Right
|Electrical Sphere Left
|Electrical Sphere Right
|Invincible Power Up
|Spike Ball
|Sign Left
|Sign Right
Next I'll go over the art structure and where the art is located in the rom. First off, all art in the ROM can be edited in Aspect Edit. The player sprites are uncompressed and each sprite consists of 9 tiles that make up a 3x3 grid. The following diagram shows the tile rearrangement data for their sprites:
[1] [2] [3]
[4] [5] [6]
[7] [8] [9]
Each map in the game consists of 80 tiles that make up a 8x10 grid. The tile arrangement is as follows:
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Level background sprites are compressed. However, the title arrangement is different than the maps. Further research is needed to fully understand the tile arrangement data at this time. Bellow are the art offsets.
|Small Text Sprites (Compressed)
|Marble Red Map (Compressed)
|Spring Yard Red Map (Compressed)
|Labyrinth Red Map (Compressed)
|Star Light Red Map (Compressed)
|Scrap Brain Red Map (Compressed)
|Spring Yard Block (Compressed)
|Labyrinth Block (Compressed)
|Star Light Lamppost (Compressed)
|Scrap Brain Electric Orb (Compressed)
|Green Hill Green Map (Compressed)
|Marble Green Map (Compressed)
|Spring Yard Green Map (Compressed)
|Sonic Player Select Sprites
|Tails Player Select Sprites
|Eggman Player Select Sprites
|Amy Player Select Sprites
|Green Hill Yellow Map (Compressed)
|Marble Yellow Map (Compressed)
|Spring Yard Yellow Map (Compressed)
|Labyrinth Yellow Map (Compressed)
|Star Light Yellow Map (Compressed)
|Labyrinth Green Map (Compressed)
|Green Hill Background (Compressed)
|Marble Background (Compressed)
|Spring Yard Background (Compressed)
|Labyrinth Background (Compressed)
|Star Light Background (Compressed)
|Scrap Brain Background (Compressed)
|Tails Uncompressed Sprites
|Amy Uncompressed Sprites
|Eggman Uncompressed Sprites
|Sonic Thumbs Up Sprite
|Eggman Fist Pump Sprite
|Tails Peace Sign Sprite
|Amy Waving Sprite
|VS. Text Sprites (Compressed)
|Title Card Text Sprites (Compressed)
|Sega Logo (Compressed)
|Labyrinth Title Card Text (Compressed)
|Cursor on Menu Screen Sprite (Compressed)
Here are the palette offsets. This is arguably the easiest bit of data to edit in any rom hack, regardless if it's a Sonic one or not. Though some people have been known to mix palettes that clash, so perhaps it is a bit challenging at times to figure out the perfect balance.
|Green Hill
|Sonic/Blue Traffic Light
|Spring Yard
|Star Light
|Scrap Brain
|Track Rotating Palette
|Green Hill Course Select
|Marble Course Select
This next part goes over the text structure in the game. Hopefully it's easy to follow, if not please let me know in the comments! I'll probably eventually fix this article in general at some point, however.
The text used on various screens can be edited via a hex editor. Each letter consists of two hex values, one representing the top of the letter, one representing the bottom. See Green Hill's text bellow for an example, the top of the letter is represented with a 1, while the bottom is represented with a 2 in the example:
.db $00 $00 $46 $00 $4B $00 $2E $00 $2E $00 $47 $00 $00 $00 $41 $00
.db $42 $00 $45 $00 $45 $00 $00 $00 $50 $00 $5B $00 $3E $00 $3E $00
.db $57 $00 $00 $00 $51 $00 $52 $00 $55 $00 $55 $00
The text on the title cards follow a slightly different pattern, and the value for the letter "G" different. Each title card text consists of 96 bytes. The first two bytes determine the mappings' x and y positions on the screen. The last two bytes determine the letter mappings, the first byte is the top of the letter while the second byte is the bottom. Labyrinth uses both a compressed sprite and hex array for it's name. However, you can still easily edit the name as it follows the same format as the other track names. Here's Green Hill's Title Card Text:
"ROUND" Mappings, this is always the first line of text that displays and therefore appears before the actual track's name.
.db $3E $F0 $4B $46 $F0 $5B $3E $F8 $48 $46 $F8 $58 $3E $00 $4E $46
.db $00 $5E $3E $08 $47 $46 $08 $57 $3E $10 $2D $46 $10 $3D
Round Number Mappings (in this case it's 1)
X Y 1T X Y 1B
.db $3E $20 $82 $46 $20 $92
Unlike the mappings used on the results screen, the top and bottom of each letter appear in two bytes, each next to each other. See bellow:
.db $5E $00 $40 $66 $00 $50 G
.db $5E $08 $4B $66 $08 $5B R
.db $5E $10 $2E $66 $10 $3E E
.db $5E $18 $2E $66 $18 $3E E
.db $5E $20 $47 $66 $20 $57 N
.db $6E $10 $41 $76 $10 $51 H
.db $6E $18 $42 $76 $18 $52 I
.db $6E $20 $45 $76 $20 $55 L
.db $6E $28 $45 $76 $28 $55 L
.db $6E $30 $00 $76 $30 $00
Here's all the text offsets that I have documented. I can't remember if this is everything though.
|SONIC Text on GP Results Screen
|TAILS Text on GP Results Screen
|AMY Text on GP Results Screen
|EGGMAN Text on GP Results Screen
|Green Hill Title Card
|Marble Title Card
|Spring Yard Title Card
|Labyrinth Title Card
|Star Light Title Card
|Scrap Brain Title Card
|Green Hill Grand Prix Results
|Marble Grand Prix Results
|Spring Yard Grand Prix Results
|Labyrinth Grand Prix Results
|Star Light Grand Prix Results
|Scrap Brain Grand Prix Results
|Green Hill Free Run Results
|Marble Free Run Results
|Spring Yard Free Run Results
|Labyrinth Free Run Results
|Star Light Free Run Results
|Scrap Brain Free Run Results
|Green Results Text
|Yellow Results Text
|Red Results Text
The following bit of text lists all the values of each letter. Remember, every letter has two values, one for the top of the letter and one for the bottom.
|Space/End of Line
|Top of A
|Bottom of A
|Top of B
|Bottom of B
|Top of C
|Bottom of C
|Top of D
|Bottom of D
|Top of E
|Bottom of E
|Top of F
|Bottom of F
|Top of G (Title Card Text)
|Top of G (Results Text)
|Bottom of G
|Top of H
|Bottom of H
|Top of I
|Bottom of I
|Top of J
|Bottom of J
|Top of K
|Bottom of K
|Top of L
|Bottom of L
|Top of M
|Bottom of M
|Top of N
|Bottom of N
|Top of O
|Bottom of O
|Top of P
|Bottom of P
|Top of Q
|Bottom of Q
|Top of R
|Bottom of R
|Top of S
|Bottom of S
|Top of T
|Bottom of T
|Top of U
|Bottom of U
|Top of V
|Bottom of V
|Top of W
|Bottom of W
|Top of X
|Bottom of X
|Top of Y
|Bottom of Y
|Top of Z
|Bottom of Z
Next off are the track layouts. This part isn't documented fully, but at least we know where the layouts are located at. The track layout pointers are located at offset $361C. The first track is Green Hill Green which is located at offset $1D6A0, followed by Marble Green and so forth. Note that you'll need to edit each track map as well as the object layout for them to match your updated tracks. Each part of the track consists of three bytes. The first byte controls the background movement, while the second and third bytes are the actual track layout.
|Green Hill Green
|Marble Green
|Spring Yard Green
|Labyrinth Green
|Star Light Green
|Scrap Brain Green
|Green Hill Red
|Marble Red
|Spring Yard Red
|Labyrinth Red
|Star Light Red
|Scrap Brain Red
|Green Hill Yellow
|Marble Yellow
|Spring Yard Yellow
|Labyrinth Yellow
|Star Light Yellow
|Scrap Brain Yellow
Music Pointers are located at offset $7D473 in the ROM. The sound effect pointers are located at $7D491.
|Title Screen
|Green Hill
|Course Select With Intro-This song plays when the game first loads the course select screen.
|Spring Yard
|Star Light
|Scrap Brain
|Race Results
|GP Final Results
|Invincibility Theme
|Course Select With No Intro- this one plays whenever you back out of selecting a track and go back to the track selection screen.
Finally bellow are a very small list of RAM addresses that I documented. These can be triggered using a Pro Action Replay cheat or using a emulator with RAM editing.
|Current Level:
|$00- Green Hill
|$01- Marble
|$02- Spring Yard
|$03- Labyrinth
|$04- Star Light
|$05- Scrap Brain
|Music Playback:
|$81- Options
|$82- Title Screen
|$83- Green Hill
|$84- Course Select With Intro
|$85- Spring Yard
|$86- Labyrinth
|$87- Star Light
|$88- Scrap Brain
|$89- Race Results
|$8A- GP Results
|$8B- Invincibility
|$8C- Credits
|$8D- Marble
|$8E- Course Select With No Intro